Are you looking for the best way to keep your lungs healthy and prevent any type of disability? A pulmonologist will be the one to guide you through all the important decisions about protecting your lungs.

How Do You Find The Right Pulmonologist? Here Are Few Smart Tips To Use.

Get Referrals:

Start with a referral list you r primary care doctor handed you with. You can also add names to this list by asking your friends, family and other health care providers for recommendations.  You should take out some time to research the doctor’s credentials and experience to narrow down the list to top 10 pulmonologists in Kolkata. Make sure to call each pulmonologist’s office and ask for an appointment to meet and consult the doctor.

 Research The Expert’s Credentials:

Board certification is one of the most important qualifications of a pulmonologist when you are looking for one. It ensures that the doctor has all the necessary skills, training and experience to provide proper healthcare. Apart from that, you need to confirm that the pulmonologist has no history of disciplinary actions or malpractice.

 Consider The Expert’s Experience:

When you are facing a complex respiratory health issues, seeking help from an experienced doctor matters the most.  The more experienced the best pulmonologist in Kolkata is, the better the results will be. Ask how many patients the pulmonologist has treated and how many complicated case has he/she handled.

However, don’t skip to check your insurance coverage when you are seeking the medical assistance of a pulmonologist.